A Library of Covers
Projet réalisé dans le cadre du post-master Collective Practice Research Course, dirigé par Grégory Castéra, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Finlande.
Projet collectif à partir d'une proposition de Fernando Garcia Dory
This is a collective library of potential books. These books could sit in the library of the Confederacy, or any village within the Confederacy. As yet, they take up no physical space. The members of the Confederacy have not been able to meet in person, so the practices and knowledge that the villages and venues will share together is still forming. Into this space we offer these titles, covers, statements, instructions that we have gathered together, in our formulation as a digital village, that has been assembling virtually through the year. It's an open library: maybe some of the books exist already, maybe the contents can be assembled from other texts, maybe the library never ends, and books always can be added.
All the books in the library come from discussions, phrases and ideas springing from research meetings with actors of the confederacy and in our own village meetings.
The library is a tool of speculation, a way of sense-making, sharing knowledges and a mode of assembly that recounts pastoral, rural, countryside knowledge through the lens of art and speculation.